Monday 13 April 2015

Final CD Covers

For the first cover I have taken a black and white picture of a friend of mine, targeting the top part and the left side of his head. I took the image this way so it isn't all focused in the centre of the picture. I have then uploaded the image into Photoshop and within Photoshop I have used the Burn tool to darken parts of the image, for example I have darkened the areas around his eyes and his eyebrows, I have also darkened part of his nose and the side of his head to create more tone. I have also used the dodge tool to lighten areas of his face to create more depth for example just above the the eyes to highlight the eyes and areas on the nose to help add highlighted areas to his skin and to also help bring more depth to the final image. Finally i then cut down the image to an appropriate size for a cd album cover and then finally i adjusted the levels to darken small areas and lighten the lighter  areas to create this final cover which could be used for old or classic music as its black and white.

For the second cover, I wanted to create something elegant and simple, so I put a rose in a glass and started taking a few pictures. On this image I haven't used Photoshop to enhance or manipulate the image. While taking the picture, I increased the ISO to 400 and zoomed/ focused in on the rose, making the glass slowly fade and blur in the photo and highlighting the rose. I then uploaded this image to Photoshop and made the picture look more elegant but yet romantic, i did this by first adjusting the Gradient made with a Violet/Orange tone on the Gradient editor. I then adjusted the levels on the photo to darken some colours and to lighten others. I then got the brush tool and got a faint orange colour and clicked once next to the flower and then changed the bending mood from normal to screen. I then finally added a Bokeh image above the image i had taken and changed the blending mode from normal to screen, to give it an elegant but yet romantic look and then i finally flattened the layers to produce this cover. This cover would be used on the front of romantic albums, or for albums that represent Valentines day.

For the final cover, I have chosen to take an image of part of a building, only capturing the detail of the carved areas. In this image I have added the image to Photoshop and have changed it from Colour to Black and White and I have also used the Burn tool to darken the areas around the petals and in the hollow areas. I have then cropped the image down, so the image is only focusing on the flower and not on the rest of the building wall. 

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