Monday 13 April 2015

Experiementing for Final Outcomes

In this image I have taken an image of a wedding cake at my cousins wedding and have added the image to Photoshop. Within Photoshop I have selected the brush tool and gone over the image with different colours in many different layers and changed it to Overlay to try and make it look like it hasn't been in Photoshop and was the traditional cake at the beginning.
However, I feel like it was successful and does actually look like it has been in Photoshop, as the image looks like it has been painted and edited.

In this image I have taken a Portrait image of a guy in my class in black and white and have added it to Photoshop. Within Photoshop I have used the Magic Wand Tool to cut out the background and just leave him, I have then created a new layer and placed the layer underneath the image and coloured the layer blue, creating an image that does look like it has been in Photoshop.

In this image I have taken a picture of a ribbon that has been tied around a chair. I have then added the image to Photoshop and manipulated it. I have gone to Adjustments and Colour Balance and I have then increased the Cyan one to the red side slightly to enhance the colour of the ribbon and make it more vibrant than the original image.

In this image I have taken a picture of a piece of Chocolate cake with Initials on the icing and inserted it into Photoshop. In Photoshop I have lightened up the red sauce to make it look a little bit brighter than it did and to make it stand out in the photo

In this image I have taken a picture on the "Underground" sign and uploaded the image into Photoshop. Within Photoshop I have used the Curve tool to change the brightness or darkness of the image and have darkened the image slightly, as when I took the image, it came out too bright.  

In this image, I have taken a self-portrait with my camera and added the image to Photoshop, within Photoshop I have blurred parts of my hair to help bring out different areas of the image, as the hair falls directly through the centre and draws your eyes to it. 

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