Monday 23 February 2015

Camera Settings And Techniques

ISO-  When you change ISO, you're adjusting the camera's sensitivity to light. Which can range from 24 to 6,400 or higher depending on the camera. The lower the number the less sensitive the camera is to the light, so the higher the number means higher sensitivity.

Shutter Speed- When you change the Shutter Speed, you're adjusting how long the camera is exposed to light. The slower the shutter speed, the longer the time the image sensor is exposed to light, so if there was a subject moving you would get a different effect, like a blurred effect or a change of light colours. The faster the shutter speed the less time the camera is exposed to light and can capture moments quickly, like someone jumping in the air.

Flash- By using the Flash on a camera, you are illuminating a scene, people or subject in front of you, but the main purpose for flash is to illuminate a dark scene and to give it a harsh light.

Low-Key Lighting- Low-Key Lighting is a style of lighting for photography, film or television and is used to create an effect of a shadow on the person/subject to create tone and shade and to only light up small areas of the subject/person.

High-Key Lighting-  High-Key Lighting is a style of lighting opposite what Low-Key Lighting is. It is bringing more light to a person/subject so there is less shade and tone and more features are brightened up to create a different look.

Black and White-  Black and White is a style of Photography that can be done on the camera or in Photoshop. To do this through the camera you need to go to Menu, Picture Style and change it from Neutral to Monochrome. Black and White changes the image from Colour to Black and White which creates tone and depth within an image.

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