Monday 23 February 2015

Projection Photography

What is Projection Photography?

Projection Photography is use of equipment and lighting to cause an image of an object or an original image and to be projected and seen on an object, person or screen and taking a picture to capture the moment.

Projection Photographers:

Lee Kirby

Lee Kirby is known as a photographer and describes his work as "a bit of everything". He mainly works within Fashion and Portrait and also has a developed portfolio that expands across a large variety of subjects. He had previously worked commissions for London Grammar, Calvin Klien Colour and Canon U.K. and has an eye for detail.

Davis Ayer
Davis Ayer is an Artist and Photographer who began taking pictures since 2007 and comes from a background of Architectural History and was originally drawn to space, shapes and abstract compositions with his images because he likes to use shapes that create different styles of images nobody else would create using their bodies.



Photoshop Affects

In this image, I have chosen a kitten playing with yawn and a leopard print image. I have dragged the leopard print image onto the kitten and have looked at different blending settings to create this image. In this image I have used Overlay, which multiplies dark areas and screens light areas. I have also used the rubber tool and erased the excess around the image, so it is only the cat and the ball of yarn that has been changed.

In this image I have taken a rose drawing and a picture of outer space and blended them together using the Lighten blend mode, which only lets the light colors come through on the image, this made the image look like it was sparkling and only a little bit of colour can be seen.

In this image I have chosen a night sky and added a mountain silhouette to the image using the Darken blending tool which only lets the dark colour be seen in the image. i have then added a tree silhouette image and used the Multiply blending tool, which multiples the intensity of the dark colour coming through. I then added a bird silhouette image and used the Colour burn blending tool, which has burnt the darker colour through and made it look darker than the rest of the image.

In this image i have taken a women's back and added images to her, to make them look like tattoos, for example I have taken a sketch of a swallow bird and shrunk it down to size and moved it onto her shoulder and used the Darken blend tool, so only the dark features of the image have stayed on her back and showed through. I have taken a rose sketch image and placed it on the bottom of her back and used the Multiply blending tool to make it look more like a tattoo, but the image looked to fake, so what i did was change the opacity of the rose from 100% to 47% so it looked more like it was on her skin and part of the image instead of looking fake. I then added a few other images and added them to her back using blending tools and changing the opacity of the images.
  In the second image, I have done what I did in the first image, but this time i have used the paint tool to add colour to the images i have added to her back and changed the opacity of the strength of the colour and made them a little weaker and one a little stronger, to see what it would look like on her back.

On this image I have taken the women's back once again but have changed it into a scenery. The first image I have added to her back is the multi-coloured sky. The multi-coloured sky, has been enlarged to cover the whole of her back and then the Soft Light blending tool has been used, so her back can come through the image and the excess of the multi-colored sky image can be removed. I have then added the  black silhouette mountain to the bottom of her back using the Darkened blending tool and have with the Eraser tool and erased the Excess of the mountain that wasn't on her back but the background. I then did the same thing with the tree silhouette and removed the excess of the image that wasn't on her back. I then added the birds and used the multiply tool and changed the opacity from 100% to 42% so it doesn't stand to far out from the rest of them. Finally I added an image of a moon, but the background to this image was black and was harder to make disappear. With the moon I used the Subtract blending tool and it erased the black from the image and transformed the white into black, so the image could be seen. This left a strong black moon on her back and so I changed the opacity from 100% to 28% so it looked like it was far into the distance and didn't take your eyes away from the rest of the image.

In this image i have taken a human eye and made a scenery within. I first got a sunset image and placed it over the eye and kept the image in normal and not changed anything about it, except erasing the excess of the image outside of the eye. I then got a city silhouette and added the image to the eye. i changed it's size and made the image smaller and used the Multiply blending tool, so the white of the image disappeared. i then changed the opacity from 100% to 55% and erased the excess of the image that was outside of the eye. After changing adding the images, the iris seemed to disappear and so I added the image of the eye again and erased all the image except the iris and added that to the image, only changing its opacity from 100% to 73%. I then noticed that inside the eye was too dark and need the white part of the eye and so I added the image once again and erased all the image, except the white part of the eye and changed the opacity from 100% to 39%

In this image I have taken an image of a women and filled in and extra layer with black paint. I then got the Erase tool and erased her eyes, so they came out full black. I then got the paint tool and changed the opacity of the paint from 100% to 34% and did a few layers to put the black under her eyes. I then added another image to the picture of blood and used the Darken blending tool, that took the white out of the blood image and then readjusted it to place it on her mouth. I then used the paint tool and changed the opacity from 100% to 26% and painted her lips to give her a little bit of colour to her lips. I then used the paint tool to add a bit of darkness to her neck to make her head stand out which went from 100% to 32%

In this edit, I have taken own of my very own personal photos, that I have taken of my dad walking along the beach. In this photo I have added a rainbow image on top and erased the excess, I have then used the Multiply blending tool, to blend the rainbow image with the water, so it looks like he is walking on multi-coloured water. I have then changed the opacity of the rainbow image from 100% to 57%.

In this image, I have taken an image of an eye and erased the iris. I then placed another image of a night sky and used the Overlay blending tool and then erased the excess that was outside of the eye. I then added a mountain silhouette onto the eye and used the Multiply blending tool and erased the excess of the image coming out of the eye and then finally reduced the opacity from 100% to 52%. I then added a tree silhouette to the eye and used the Multiply blending tool. I then added an image of a moon and used the Exclusion blending tool, which erased all the dark parts of the image and changed the opacity from 100% to 40%. Finally I added a bird silhouette image to the eye and used the Colour Burn blending tool to make the white parts of the image disappear.

In this image I have taken a picture of a pink rose from the internet, i then added a rainbow image on top and used the Multiply blending tool. I then erased all the excess of the rainbow image around the rose, so only the rose had te rainbow image on it.

In this image, I have taken a women's back. I have then added a skeleton chest area to the image and used the Multiply blending tool and changed the opacity from 100% to 40% and the fill from 100% to 24%

In this image I have taken a butterfly and added a space image onto it. In the first image i have used the Lighten blending tool.

I have used the Screen Blending tool.

I have used the Hard Light blending tool.

I have used the Pin Light blending tool.

I have used the Divide blending tool.

I have used the Darken blending tool.

In this image I have taken two drawn hands making a heart and a romantic image and place them together. I then used the Multiply blending tool on the romantic mage and erased the excess outside of the hands.

In this image, i have taken a night sky with the north star and added a London silhouette to the image by using the Darken Blending tool. I then added the moon and used the Exclusion Blending tool and finally I took a image of Peter Pan and Wendy, John and Peter and added the image to create a Peter Pan Scene from the movie, I added this by using the Darken Blending tool.

To create this image I used the Vignette Tool by creating a new layer. I then clicked the Rectangular Marquee Tool and selected a lot of the image, leaving a border. i then clicked select, Inverse, Select, Modify, Feather. I then clicked CMD and Backspace. This created a misty effect around the edges.

Healing Tool:
Image Before:
 I then clicked the Healing tool and dragged it onto the image. Clicking Alt and then selecting an area, it copied it. I then clicked the image of the chosen place I wished to fix and went over it and it corrected the image and took away the error.

After Healing Tool.

Before: this image is from before I used the dodge tool and the burn tool to lighten and darken certain areas within the image.

Album Covers

In this Album Cover a single portrait has been taken using different amounts of lighting to highlight and show specific areas of her face, I would personally say they have used High-Key Lighting, which is exposing more light to her face and highlighting more areas, creating less shade and tone on her face. By creating a little shade and tone it has defined her cheekbones creating a darker skin tone and create shade under her chin and side of her face and a little tone on the side of her nose, to show more of her complexion. Tone has also been created on her eyelids to define the shade of her eyes, to make her look more appealing to an audience, but could be mainly directed to the male audience.

Loud By Rihanna
In this Cover a single portrait has been taken and inserted into Photoshop. Within Photoshop they have created a Digital Art piece using the paintbrush tool and modifying it. With the paintbrush tool they have created depth and tone and made the image a bit flatter.

Tattoos By Jason Derulo

In this cover they have taken a single image of the artist using High-key lighting, to show different tones of her skin and features. They have then used Typography to go over the image and modify it by applying words to her body in many locations of her song titles on the Album and have kind off highlighted the title of the album by putting it on a small black background.
Unapologetic By Rihanna
In this final cover they have taken an image of the artist dressed up and placed in a certain pose. The image has then been edited by adding the sparkling paintbrush tool if done in Photoshop and added a bit of glamour to the image.
Paparazzi By Lady Gaga


Digitally Enhanced Artists/Photographers

Julie De Waroquer

Is a self-taught French Photographer. She creates pictures that look like they have escaped from peoples imaginations, which disturbs the categories of the material world. In her images she enhances them and brightens them up to create different effects on them.




Alexandra Sophie

Is a French Photographer that is living in Paris, She takes photos for weddings, fashion, portraits and exhibitions. She manipulates some of her photos by enhancing the light and blurring the backgrounds.